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Kitchen by Borja Corredera

I really enjoyed the time spent in this project.
- Models, scene and lighting were provided by my teacher.
- The goal was to create materials and the necessary textures for every model. Putting at work all the knowledge previously adquired.
- It was also necessary to correctly create all the needed Render Passes.

DATE: Around March of 2016

Beauty 01

Beauty 01

Beauty 02

Beauty 02

Beauty 03

Beauty 03

Z Deep - Render Pass

Z Deep - Render Pass

Diffuse - Render Pass

Diffuse - Render Pass

Reflection - Render Pass

Reflection - Render Pass

Refraction - Render Pass

Refraction - Render Pass

Specular - Render Pass

Specular - Render Pass

Ambient Occlusion - Render Pass

Ambient Occlusion - Render Pass